A Public Engagement Project
Tang Lung Chau Market
Location: Jardine’s Bazaar
Category: Public
Architect: Wong Cho Tong, Hong Kong Public Works Department
Project year: 1968
Built in the 1960s as a new generation of wet market, the two-tone Tang Lung Chau is another classic example of functionalist architecture in Hong Kong. The design for each face of the rectangular concrete structure varies to suit its function and to create a subtle dynamic. The east-facing façade is built with deeper grid-shaped brise-soleil. The north-facing facade and the south-facing facade of the buildings have small windows on the side and a large perforated wall to balance the bulky structure with a soft and airy touch. The lattice wall design also allows daylight to pass through the wall as well as to let indoor light be visible from the outside at night. When the project was assigned in the 1960s, one of the requirements was to separate delivery and vendor’s circulation space from the main market’s trading space. Creating a “backstage area” in a relatively small and congested space isn’t an easy task. The designer successfully hid a few service passages behind from the stalls on the sides of the market. These service passages are connected with dedicated service lifts, platforms, unloading areas and entrances that suit the needs for different vendors.
建於1960年代,燈籠洲街市是當時新一代的街市風格,也是另一個摩登主義的建築。 建築物由長方形的混凝土結構為主,每一面外牆都帶點不同的設計以適應其功能上需要,也打造出一種含蓄的不同。 朝東的外牆採用更深的網格形狀遮陽板。 朝北和朝南的外牆的側面都有一列小窗戶以及一幅較大的鏤空隔牆,以平衡本身笨重的結構以及加強空氣及光線的流通,使日光能穿透到空內,晚上時,也能從外面看到室內的光線。 當時,項目對築建師有一大要求,就是將供應商運貨的空間與主要顧客使用的市場空間分開,其實要在空間相對較小且擁擠的燈籠洲街市設計一個“「後台區域」並非易事,結果,設計師成功於市場兩側的攤位後面隱藏了幾段工作專用走廊,相連著送貨服務的升降機、平台、卸貨區域和專屬入口,並且與街市的主要空間分隔,以滿足不同使用者的需求。