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Causeway Round Pedestrian Bridge

Location: Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay
Category: Infrastructure
Project year: 1963

Smacked in the heart of Causeway Bay, the circular footbridge at Yee Wo Street is an iconic landmark that appears in many movies including “Ghost In The Shell”. Completed in 1963, the 300-meter-long bridge circular footbridge is located the road junction where Causeway Road, Hennesey Road, Leighton Road and Yee Wo Road. The bridge is built above a tram station, making it one of the best places to people-watch and tram-watch.  Instead of having straight bars on the side of the walkway, the salmon-colored bridge is flanked by curvy arches. As more pedestrian crossings are installed along Yee Wo Street, the bridge is fairly underused in recent years.  In 2002, Hong Kong’s Highways Department added a small exhibition on the bridge, displaying old historical photos of Wan Chai along the bridge. Patrick Blanc, an international renowned botanist and artist, was once invited to design a vertical garden for Yee Wo Bridge. The proposal was later rejected by the government, fearing that fallen plants may undermine the safety of Yee Wo Street. 

曾於許多電影中包括《攻殼機動隊》中都出現過,位於銅鑼灣中心地帶的怡和街的圓形行人天橋可算是銅鑼灣其中一個的標誌性地標。 這條周長300米的圓形行人天橋於1963年落成,位於高士威道、軒尼斯道、禮頓街及怡和街的交界處。這座橋建在電車站上方,是遊人觀看電車駛出駛入的最佳地點之一。 三文魚色的圓形橋樑兩旁支柱保留著弧形拱門設計,而不是平常見慣的直桿支柱。 近年怡和街及附近道路都增設了不少斑馬線及交通燈過路處,令這座圓形橋的使用率大大降低。 2002年,香港路政署在橋上增設一個小型展覽,掛上舊灣仔歷史照片,使行人橋成為一道小型的時間走廊。 國際著名植物學家及藝術家Patrick Blanc曾受私人公司邀請,為怡和街圓形大橋設計一個垂直花園,該提案後來被政府拒絕,原因是擔心植物或會跌落到馬路上,影響道路安全。 

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