A Public Engagement Project
PLA Headquarters
Location: Edinburgh Place, Admiralty
Category: Military
Project year: 1979
An eye-sore or a witty design? No matter what you think of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Forces Hong Kong Building, it undoubtedly stands out on Hong Kong’s skyline. The 113-meter-tall building was first built as the head office of the British Army stationed in Hong Kong. Named the Prince of Wales Building then, the 28-story building was shaped like an upside-down gin bottle. It was made the head office of the People’s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison after the handover in 1997 and was renamed as the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Forces Hong Kong Building (PLA Building) in 2000. Designed by local architect Pun How-wai, the building’s narrow stem with the protruding upper floors was designed to make it difficult for trespassers to climb and attack. The blocky and disproportionate design (with a heavier upper body mass and a leaner bottom) is a notable characteristic in brutalist architecture. This unique brutalist design is often used to highlight the masculinity of the structure. The exterior is covered with a frame with vertical strips that extends above its rooftop, successfully shielding the content inside as well as to make the building visually taller. The podium on top of the base of the building used to house a chapel in the past. The name of the building as well as the chapel was removed after a 20-month renovation when the PLA took over.
突兀?聰明?無論你同意哪一邊的說法,中國人民解放軍駐香港部隊大廈無疑都在中環的天際線中脫穎而出。 建於1979 年,這座113米高的建築最初是作為駐紮在香港的英國陸軍總部而建造的,當時,這座28層高的建築被命名為威爾士親王大廈。 於1997年香港正式回歸後,威爾士親王大廈成為中國人民解放軍香港駐軍的總部,並於2000年更名為中國人民解放軍駐香港部隊大廈(或簡稱解放軍大樓)。 該建築的形狀就像一個倒轉於的氈酒酒瓶,底部呈向內傾斜的漏斗形狀,使入侵者難以攀爬和攻擊。 這種有點笨重,上重下輕的設計,是粗野主義建築中其中一大顯著特徵,這種設計通常用於突出結構的力量及陽剛的感覺。 包裹著大樓外牆的框架,以垂直線條延伸到屋頂上方,成功地屏蔽了大廈屋頂的內容,並使建築物視覺上更高。 建築物底座的平台曾有一所小教堂,大廈在解放軍接管後,經過20個月的翻新,把原𠥔的建築物名牌、小教堂及十字架一併拆除。