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Wing Kwong Pentecostal Holiness Church


Location:  22 Heng Lam Street, Lok Fu 
Category: Religious

Architect: Tao Ho 何弢
Project year: 2000

An outlandish structure in the residential district of Lok Fu, Wing Kwong Pentecostal Holiness Church is a relatively new architecture comparing to other structures on this list.  When TaoHo Design Architects was drafting the design for the new church, there was quite a challenging list of elements to be considered.  “A place not just of worship, but of community and fellowship, with facilities to house extensive educational and outreach programs, as well as permanent space for the congregation’s many musical groups,” TaoHo Design Architects describes on its website. The team, therefore, decided to build up. The avant-garde structure comprises of a covered assembly ground, an assembly hall, a dome-shaped chapel, classrooms as well as offices.  By placing the dome-shaped chapel in the bottom, it provides easy access for the crowd coming to masses or ceremonies at the same time.  Its location also shields the chapel from getting direct sunlight from the top. Instead, the curved windows and stained-glass panels -- designed by Tao Ho and handcrafted by Indonesian glass artist Yaputra -- allow sunlight to penetrate through the sides of the chapel.  The upper body of the building – the rectangular office spaces – is lifted and supported by multiple lean columns. A pyramidal spire with a cross atop tells the nature of the building. The church was awarded a Certificate of Merit of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects in 2000. 

座落於樂富的五旬節聖潔會永光堂相比此列表上的其它建築物,是一個相對較新的作品。 當何弢建築事務所為新教堂起草設計時,需要考慮的元素相當具有挑戰性,在何弢建築事務所網站上就描述了它不僅僅是一個崇拜的地方,也是社區活動和舉辦團契的地方,它需備有廣泛的教育和外展計劃設施,並為會眾眾多音樂團體提供永久空間。 因此,何弢及團隊決定向高處發展,打造一個前衛的結構,當中包括一個有蓋的集合廣場 ,一個聚會廳,一個圓頂形的小教堂,以及教室和辦公室。 何弢決定把圓頂形小教堂放置在底部而非放於頂部,是考慮到當大量信眾或參與儀式的人群同時要到小教堂時,底層位置會更加便利,而位置底部,也使教堂不受頂部陽光直射的影響,相反,配合由陶浩設計並由印度尼西亞玻璃藝術家Yaputra手工製作的弧形窗戶和彩色玻璃,允許陽光由側面穿透小教堂。 建築物的上半身是長方形辦公空間,由多個立柱提升和支撐。帶有十字架的金字塔形尖頂,清楚顯示該建築物的性質。 五旬節聖潔會永光堂的設計於2000年獲香港建築師學會頒發的優異證書。 

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