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October 12, 2019, 14:00 - 17:00

Location: H6 Conet, G/F, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central

Public Forum Speakers:


Cecilia Chu is a faculty member in the Division of Landscape Architecture at the University of Hong Kongand current President of Docomomo Hong Kong. She is the author of Colonial Urban Development in Hong Kong: Speculative Housing and Segregation of the City(Routledge’s Planning, History and Environment series, forthcoming 2020). 


Christopher DeWolf writes about urbanism, architecture, design, culture and history. He is the author of Borrowed Spaces: Life Between the Cracks of Modern Hong Kong and the managing editor of Zolima CityMag, an arts and culture magazine. He also contributes regularly to the South China Morning Post, Perspective, CNN and other media outlets.


Charles Lai is a Chartered Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). He graduated from the University of Hong Kong, Department of Architecture and AA School of Architecture in London. He is currently a PhD candidate in the University of Hong Kong Department of Architecture. Charles is a member of the DOCOMOMO HK and his work explores the agency and material culture in modern architecture of the region in East and Southeast Asia, as well as the conservation of historical built heritage.

Edward Leung is an academic of heritage architecture and practicing architect who has designed award winning conservation projects. He is the Chair of Heritage and Conservation Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA). His research includes early 20thcentury vernacular architecture in the urban context, which has been presented in conferences overseas, in Mainland China and in Hong Kong. 


Kevin Mak is an architect of OMA / founder, architect and photographer of 1km Studio / co-founder of signboard heritage preservation platform @streetsignhk / aka @kingymak on Instagram – interpreting the aesthetics of accumulated layers of history and coexistence of diverse cultures through practicing across the disciplines.


Wendy Ng (HKICON, Docomomo HK), director of Revival Heritage Consultants Limited, practices as an architectural conservationist for over 15 years. Ng has been actively involved in heritage conservation works ranging from academic research to consultancy projects. Ng is also keen on heritage education and raising public awareness, and has been actively involved in the campaign for saving the State Theatre since 2015.


Tiago Rebocho is an architect currently practicing in Macau with special interest in patrimonial and cultural preservation with a focus on 20th century heritage. He is a board member of Docomomo Macau and editor of the online platform Delirious Club.

This event will be conducted in English

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