A Public Engagement Project

Yik Cheong Building
Location: No.1028 King's Road, Quarry Bay
Category: Residential
Project year: 1972
After appearing in Transformers: Age of Extinction movie, the cramped residential complex in Quarry Bay has become an Instagram sensation for travelers s. The E-shaped complex is comprised of five residential buildings – Oceanic Mansion, Montane Mansion, Fok Cheong Building, Yick Cheong Building, and Yick Fat Building. Together, the five residential buildings formed a long massive structure along King’s Road, earning itself the nickname, “Monster Building”. A product from the 1970s, Monster Building was built to provide more residential homes for lower-income families. The buildings range from 18 to 19 floors, with 23 to 32 units on each floor. The complex is a multi-use structure. The ground floor is reserved for shops and restaurants while the upper floors are for residential purpose. Because of its size, the interior of the buildings is connected through a web of long and dark corridors. The two courtyards – where most of the travelers take their Instagram shots – are two main communal spaces for businesses and for neighbors to gather. Looking up from the two narrow courtyards, the buildings have a zig-zag profiled façade. The design is to maximize the surface of the building where windows can be installed and, hence, the number of flats can be built.
曾出現於不少國際電影如《變形金剛:滅亡時代》而聲名大噪,鰂魚涌狹窄的住宅區近年變成了社交網絡上一個熱門的香港旅遊景點。 這個被稱為「怪獸大廈」的建築群由五幢大廈組成,包括海景樓、海山樓、益昌大廈、福昌樓以及益發大廈,形成一個「E」字,於英皇道看來,它是一幅巨型的屏風 -- 也是因為這個景象,所以得到這個「怪獸大廈」的稱號,而從後方看來,就有兩個幼長的庭院(也就是最受歡迎的拍照地點)。 「怪獸大廈」是1970年代的產物,是為了應付人口急升而興建的廉價住宅。五幢大廈由18至19層,每層有23個至32個單位不等。跟當時大部分建築一樣,都是以複合式多用途大樓為主,即是下鋪上居的格局,由於其大型的體積,商鋪及單位多以長長的走廊連結起來。 走進兩個庭院,除了充斥著來拍Instagram照的旅客們,還是商戶和鄰居聚集悠閒的主要公共空間。從庭院向上看,會見到大樓的設計是凹凸不平,該設計旨在增加能安裝窗戶的築物表面,從而增加可建造的單位數量。