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Hong Kong Coliseum

Location: 9 Cheong Wan Road, Hung Hom
Category: Cultural

Architect: Architectural Services Department
Project year: 1983

The shape of an inverted diamond, the Hong Kong Coliseum is the second biggest indoor facility in Hong Kong. It’s a popular destination to host concerts, performances as well as sports events.  Designed by the government’s Architectural Services Department, the Hong Kong Coliseum features a column-free interior that can seat up to 12,500 audiences.  The 1,680-square-meter space also offers an unobstructed view of the centrally located stage from all angles.  The concrete frame of the structure is reinforced to withstand more pressure than a normal concrete building – hence, allowing the flexibility to build various types of platforms and stages. It was remodeled to accommodate a 25-meter-long swimming pool once for an international competition in 1999. In addition to the main arena, the building also houses conference rooms and open areas for conventions.  The story of the Hong Kong Coliseum began when the government decided to build the first international-standard indoor coliseum in Hong Kong in the 1960s.  It wasn’t until 1977 that the construction began in Hung Hom. It was officiated in 1983 by the then-Hong Kong governor Sir Edward Youde. The opening ceremony was live-broadcasted on televisions.  The Hong Kong Coliseum was the biggest indoor venue before the AsiaExpo was open in 2005.  

香港體育館的形狀是一個倒轉的金字塔,建於火車站上蓋,它是香港第二大室內設施,是舉辦音樂會、表演和體育賽事的熱門目的地。 香港體育館由政府建築署設計, 1,680平方米的室內空間採用無柱設計,可容納12,500名觀眾之餘,讓他們於不同的角度也能把中央舞台一覽無遺。 體育館的混凝土結構經過特別加固,可承受比普通混凝土建築物更大的壓力,那樣就可於上方更靈活地建造各類型的平台,於1999年,它就曾被改裝為一個25米長的游泳池,作為一個國際短池游泳比賽的場地。 除主場館外,體育館還設有會議室和室外活動區域。 香港體育館的故事始於1960年代,當時政府決定為香港建造它第一個國際標準室內體育館,因尋覓合適地段和資金,一直到1977年,才正式開始在紅磡進行施工。1983年,香港體育館正式開幕,啟用典禮由當時的香港總督尤德爵士主持,全程於電視上進行直播,是當年一大盛事。 香港體育館曾是香港最大的室內活動場地,直至2005年機場亞洲國際博覽館開放幕後,才退為第二。 

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